live painting event at cargo, london

On Friday 6th June I'll be at Cargo for a live painting session, that also features Labrona, Gawd, and the amazing Alexandros Vasmoulakis from Greece. His murals are some of the best I've ever seen. Check them out here:
So come on by, drink a beer, hurl insults at me, and stencil pictures of your own face over my piece while I'm in the toilet.
5/31/2008 11:22:00 am

Team Kaputt/243 Support 2008 trailer
yes, the trailer for the new Team Kaputt video is online!
not that this means there will ever BE a new Team Kaputt video, but whatever. go watch the trailer for some real life London skateboarding...
5/29/2008 10:33:00 pm

faile gate

A few years ago, the artists known as "Faile" painted the original gates that stood on this site in Berlin.
Now those gates are up for auction, with a reserve price of 45,000 euros!

So I thought I should paint the new gates, see if they sell those too, which will push up the price of my paintings, and I can retire to the countryside...
Yeah, rriiigggghhhhhttttttt!!!!!!!!!!

see the Faile gates here:

p.s. note to self: if you want to get famous, you must remember to WRITE YOUR NAME... over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over dave the chimp dave the chimp dave the chimp dave the chimp dave the chimp dave the chimp dave the chimp dave the chimp

5/27/2008 05:12:00 am

5/26/2008 07:47:00 pm

JUST's new blog
I may have failed to get off my lazy ass and paint in Berlin since I been here, but there's always plenty going on. Go take a look at JUST's new blog on Ekosystem and see how everyone else is putting me to shame (sorry Berlin, I'm busy working on a screen print project and I just started an animation piece too)
5/24/2008 09:50:00 pm

the nice people over at just posted an interview with me on their site. these are probably the stupidest answers I ever gave to an interview, but then, it's pretty stupid to spend your time and money making work in the street that usually disappears pretty quick, so maybe it's the best interview I ever did. I'll leave it for you to decide...

5/19/2008 09:43:00 pm

243 Support / Team Kaputt - "Dirty Dogs vs Eye of Tiger" (2003)
possibly the best skate video you'll ever see is now on line, a product of the Team Kaputt boys, backed up by the 243rd Skateboarding Support Battalion (
It's worth watching for the Hackney Bumps section alone, to give you a flavour of what east London skateboarding is all about. So if you got some time to kill, or just fancy a laugh, visit:

5/08/2008 10:38:00 am

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